Advice for Candidates

Advice for Candidates

If you are like many of DSP’s candidates, you may not have actively looked for a job in a very long time. Because of your success, you have always been recruited into new opportunities much like DSP is trying to recruit you now. As a result, you may benefit from a refresher on interview protocol. Here are some tips:


Like our teachers and professors always responded when asked how long reports should be, “it’s quality over quantity.” There is no right length; it is all about the quality of the content. A few tips:

  • Proofread and spell check multiple times. We frequently see the word manager spelled as ‘manger.’ Avoid these types of careless mistakes.
  • Make the resume easy to read and follow. Too much bulleting is distracting; no bulleting makes it hard to zero in on the relevant points.
  • List your work history in reverse chronological order (current position/employer first).
  • Avoid gaps in your resume. Readers will want to know in what years you earned your degrees and what roles you held throughout your employment.
  • Focus on your accomplishments more than your responsibilities.
  • Don’t assume the reader is an expert in the industry. Explain situations where you had an employment change that was prompted by your employer being acquired for example.

Interview preparation

Make sure you have read through publicly available information. Generally, all the information you need will be available on the Company’s website. Be sure to pay particular attention to the Investor Relations and News/Press Release sections of the websites.


Show up for interviews at least 15 minutes before your scheduled arrival time. Many of our clients have security practices which could delay your arrival. Assume the worst when budgeting your commuting time.

Dress code

Unless you have been told otherwise, business dress is appropriate interview attire.

Be prepared to thoroughly discuss your accomplishments

Expect our Clients to probe deeply enough that they don’t just understand what you did, but they also understand how you did it and how well you did it.

Ask thoughtful questions

Clients are trying to assess you, and you need to assess the opportunity as well. Make sure you ask questions that afford you the opportunity to understand the full breadth and scope of the position.


Be direct and honest about compensation. It is best for you to have a complete understanding of all the components of your compensation even at the first interview. If asked, just report the information. This is not the time for negotiation.

Ask each person you meet for a business card

Send each person a note thanking them for meeting with you.

Be patient

A thorough search process can take three months or longer. 

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